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Hooves and Paws for a Cause 
501(c)3 non-profit EIN 84-2756322

Horses for a Better World , a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of humans through our various programs. We strive to create a better world for all through horses 


We offer our services free of charge to qualifying members of non-profit organizations serving our communities. We also support our military personnel, first responders, medical staff, teachers, community service volunteers and children.

Donations are gratefully accepted and sponsorships are available for gifting our services to others. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the world.

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R & R With The Herd 


Many of us experience some level of stress or anxiety in our work especially those who serve our community such as first responders, teachers. and medical staff,' as well as volunteers serving our communities, and they often are in need of a little  "rest and relaxation" to relieve stress and anxiety. We like to refer to it as "rest and rejuvenation"  with our equine staff members

(AKA the herd). 


Just being near horses has been proven to reduce stress levels in people.  They have a keen ability to sense and respond to human emotions and intentions which provides an ideal environment for self-discovery, personal growth and healing. Connecting with horses can cause your brain to release positive neurotransmitters which trigger oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine that help promote happiness while reducing anxiety and stress. 


This is all done through grooming and ground work with our equine staff members. No horse experience or riding is required. Spending time outside in nature with our equine staff members can help anyone rejuvenate, relax, and de-stress, as well ground them. We invite you come join the herd and experience the "healing" power of horses.



Take the Reins Mindful Leadership 


This program helps develop confidence and empowerment using horses. Horses can help build leadership skills, confidence and self esteem. Horses can also help build clarity of intent and assertiveness. It is suitable for individuals needing to develop leadership and assertiveness skills. 

This is all done through grooming and ground work with our equine staff members. No horse experience or riding is required, but don't be surprised if you leave wanting more horse time. 

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Equine-Guided Meditation 


Horses are inherently "present" in mind, body, and environment and by tapping into these qualities when engaging with them, you will be able to have a deeper meditation experience. Meditation work with the horses will bring you more awareness of your inner workings so that healing can take place.

Join the herd and  potentially create a profound state of bliss,  serenity, peace and healing joy. Everyone who enjoys this intimate experience will leave feeling relaxed, connected and refreshed. 

Horses for the Soul 


Horses are, simply put, good for the soul. Just as being around and handling horses can offer incredible benefits. Many of us experience some level of stress or anxiety in our work or life, but being around horses has been proven to reduce our stress levels.

A grooming session with a horse is good for your soul.  Grooming a horse allows you to decompress and relax. Brushing down the horse, combing the horse's mane and tail has a calming effect on you while giving you a sense of accomplishment. You get to be out in the fresh air and sunshine - reconnecting with nature (which grounds you), but the very best part of it is receiving a horse hug. 

Hooves and Paws for a Cause 501(c)3 non-profit EIN 84-2756322

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